who am i ?

Anky is a brand distilled from the eternal exploration into this inquiry.

an invitation to navigate the consequences of it together.

TL;DR: One mint per wallet, 0.01618 eth.

this is the energy that gives birth to this project

i wrote a 1300 page manuscript about this stuff. the mission runs through my veins.click here to read it (this link will take you to https://dukkha.vercel.app/)

enter the ankyverse

we are wired for stories, and you are the protagonist in this one.

Anky number 1}
Anky number 2}
Anky number 3}
Anky number 4}

This project is built with a fundamental belief in mind: Perfection is the enemy of evolution. I have made mistakes. There are things that don't look as good as they could. And it is alright, you know? It is all good. I tried my best. Every day. And I rest in that. And I will keep doing it, until I die. The fire is just too hot.